Video Of An ABC Network Line Consisting Of An Audio-Only Feed Of ABC Owned And Operated WXYZ-TV In Detroit, And Of Frank Reynolds Working At His Desk And Typewriter At ABC’s Headquarters In New York

Video with an audio feed of WXYZ-TV in Detroit, and of Frank Reynolds working at his desk and typewriter at ABC headquarters in New York.

Episode Of The International Version Of The Television Program House Hunters On The HGTV Cable Channel About An Asian-American Lawyer Relocating To Singapore, And His American Expatriate Supervisor

Episode of the International Version Of The Television Program House Hunters on the HGTV Cable Channel about an Asian-American Lawyer relocating to Singapore, and his American Expatriate Supervisor.

If you ask me, both this Asian-American lawyer by the name of Christopher Y. Chan and his American expatriate supervisor by the name of Jim Boland need to be transformed from being fit and muscular to being fat and overweight; and also need to comprehend that the automotive world as a whole, the world of Amateur/Ham Radio; and the engineering side of commercial Radio and Television are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

Christopher Y. Chan should also comprehend that Singapore being a former British Overseas Territory, and currently being a member of the Commonwealth Of Nations is more important than him relocating to Singapore for the experience of living abroad; and reconnecting with his Asian roots.

Restaurant Within The Hampton Roads Area In Virginia With Descent Interior Decor

A restaurant within the Hampton Roads area in Virginia, named Tommy’s Restaurant in the City of Hampton, Virginia; with descent décor.

The interior even has wood paneling.

As I have written on this very blog before, the modern interior décor trends consisting of a combination of gray and black, all gray; or all black irritate me a great deal. Please see this post for more information pertaining to this matter:

Several Businesses Changing Their Logos In 2019

This photo of Tommy’s Restaurant is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Prescription Medicine Sublocade

This is not the first time I have written a post pertaining to a commercial for a prescription drug. A while ago, I have written a post pertaining to a commercial for the prescription drug Allegra:

Television Commercial For Allegra Allergy Medicine With A Basset Hound Puppy In It

Regarding this commercial for the prescription drug Sublocade, an injectable drug to help Opioid users overcome their addiction; I do not like them incorporating a “character” who is a young to middle-aged man who is athletic and muscular, playing the icky, yucky sport of Basketball.

As I have said many, many times before; people need to comprehend that the automotive world as a whole, the world of Amateur/Ham Radio, and the engineering side of Commercial Radio and Television are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

Basketball Player Greg Newton

Basketball player Greg Newton not only needs to be transformed from being fit and muscular to being fat and overweight, but Greg Newton also needs to comprehend that the world of amateur/ham radio, the engineering side of commercial radio and television; and the automotive world as a whole are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

Furthermore, Greg Newton should be forced to listen to Adult Contemporary, Jazz, and Easy Listening music; and should also be barred from having a Buzzcut haircut and shaving his head with a razor and shaving cream.

Embed from Getty Images

Several Businesses Changing Their Logos In 2019

It irritates the owner of this very blog a great deal that several businesses have changed their logos during the year 2019.

Businesses such as Kroger and J.C Penney changing their logos, and only the food manufacturing and processing division Big Boy franchise of Restaurants changing its logo; and the former subsidiary of Kraft Foods, now known as Mondelez International changing the look of the boxes of Triscuit snack crackers irritate me as much as the modern décor trends (as of the time of writing this post) consisting of gray, black, and unsanded wood.

Mercifully, the actual restaurant franchise division of Big Boy did not change its logo.

Again, mercifully; the franchise division of Big Boy Restaurants did not change its logo. Only the food manufacturing and processing division did.

Murder Of Attorney Ryan Poston

Attorney Ryan Poston, who was murdered in 2012 by his girlfriend by the name of Shayna Hubers;

Ryan Poston not only needed to be transformed from being fit and muscular to being fat and overweight, but Ryan Poston should have also been barred from having any hairstyle that involves him wearing product in his hair.

Furthermore, Ryan Poston should be forced to listen to Adult Contemporary, Jazz, and Easy Listening music; and last, Ryan Poston should have comprehended that the automotive world as a whole, the world of Amateur/Ham Radio, and the engineering side of Commercial Radio and Television are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

All of this is not to say, however; that I am praising Shayna Hubers for murdering this male figure, and I still feel wholeheartedly that it was wrong for Shayna Hubers to murder this male figure.

Actor Oliver Jackson-Cohen

Not only does actor Oliver Jackson-Cohen need to be transformed from being fit and muscular to being fat and overweight, but Oliver Jackson-Cohen should also be barred from having a Buzzcut haircut, a Crewcut haircut, an Undercut haircut, a Fauxhawk, and any other hairstyle that involves him wearing product in his hair.

Furthermore, Oliver Jackson-Cohen should be barred from dressing to the nines, should be forced to listen to Adult Contemporary, Jazz, and Easy Listening music; and last, Oliver Jackson-Cohen needs to comprehend that the automotive world as a whole, the world of Amateur/Ham Radio, and the engineering side of Commercial Radio and Television are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

Professional Swimmers Ryan Murphy And David Verrasztó

Professional Swimmers Ryan Murphy and David Verrasztó should not only be barred from having a Buzzcut haircut, an Undercut haircut, or any other hairstyle that involves them wearing product in their hair; but both Ryan Murphy And David Verrasztó also need to be transformed from being fit and muscular to being fat and overweight.

Ryan Murphy And David Verrasztó both need to comprehend that the automotive world as a whole, the world of amateur/ham radio, and the engineering side of commercial radio and television are all more important than the world of sports and fitness.

Furthermore, both Ryan Murphy And David Verrasztó should be forced to listen to Adult Contemporary, Jazz; and Easy Listening music; and both Ryan Murphy And David Verrasztó should also be barred from dressing to the nines.